My Life According to RedBull and Starbucks

This summer I have been hustling around North Texas working at two different law firms. It has been a pretty incredible journey and I must say, I’m sad to see it coming to an end. 

I am a busy body. I always have been. I must have something going on at all times to be content. It’s not easy for me to relax. This summer, however, has tested that principle. I still remember back to the beginning of this summer when the 13 hour days started (from the sound of my alarm to me pulling back into the driveway). I’m not going to lie, it was exhausting. That was right around the time I met my two new best friends: RedBull and Starbucks iced coffee. 
Despite the change in schedule, this summer was all that I could have hoped for. I learned not only what a day in the life of an attorney is like, but I also got to walk in the shoes of lawyers that dappled in a little bit of everything. From criminal cases and probates, to oil and gas litigation and family matters, I got to see it all.
Most importantly, I was able to make connections with some pretty incredible people in the field. I was able to attend depositions, trials, and hearings. I filed more documents than I can count with the various courts we dealt with. I prepared shells and documents, talked to clients, and made appointments.
I also bought groceries and changed light bulbs. I took out the trash and cleaned the fridge. I walked the mail to the post office. I vacuumed. I arranged files and went to the store for supplies. I bought coffee, made copies, and did as I was told. I did all this, however, with a grateful heart.
Of course those basic mundane tasks were not quite as exciting as the actual “lawyer” activities. This summer has taught me, however, that those things are just as important. It’s a running operation, and if one gear is out of wack, the whole machine doesn’t run as efficiently as it can.
It also taught me what is means to pay your dues. Of all the attorneys and judges I met this summer, I will go out on a limb and say that almost all, if not all, of them did similar jobs at some point in their career.
I was lucky enough though, to have this job as an undergrad. Most young people do not have the chance to see what I have seen until they clerk during law school, some associates have never seen an actual trial before. To say I hit the jackpot with this job is an understatement.
I have learned a whole lot this summer. Yes, I have learned a tremendous amount about the practice of law. I have also learned gratitude, urgency, commitment, and dedication. And possibly most important of all, I have learned to help those coming up the ranks when I become an attorney, just as all these attorneys have helped me.

Seven Reasons Pinterest Pisses Me Off

As much as I hate to say it, I am currently engaged in a love affair. Said affair takes hours away from time I could be spending with my lovely boyfriend, minimizes my work ethic at my office desk, and distracts me from doing everyday mundane tasks.

Before the “Holier Than Thou” crowd butts in, let me mention, this disloyalty is due to none other than one of the hottest website and app combinations on the market right now: Pinterest.

Though I might be a little late to the pinning craze that swept the nation, let me say my piece. From the day it thrust itself onto women’s iPhones everything, Pinterest has been helping ladies plan weddings to men they have never met, look up recipes to every baked good imaginable, and even construct a virtual wardrobe.

So… What’s the problem? I can think of seven to be exact.

1. I can TOTALLY afford that


Okay Pre-Madonna, I get it. Pinterest is, in theory, pretty great inspiration when it comes to the current trends of the female wardrobe. It is, however, so discouraging, when you click on the pin only to find out that the “cheap” bathing suit of the summer, is actually $600. Don’t even get me started on the array of Christian Louboutins, Versace dresses, and 100% gold jewelry that is inescapable in the Pinterest World. Sorry to break it to you honey, but your college allowance probably isn’t going to cover the patent leather works of Manolo Blahnik. To quote one of the greatest movies of my generation, “Help me! I’m poor!”

2. SuperWedding


As much as I would LOVE a dove to delicately place the ring on my finger, I highly doubt it is going to happen. All it takes is one perfectly stitched Vera Wang and BOOM another one bites the dust. I get it, planning a wedding is hard. Or at least it appears that way on TV. But for single, twenty-something young women that have a better relationship with the pizza delivery boy than an actual potential suitor (Houston, we have a problem!), wasting hours planning a wedding that frankly, is far to unrealistic to ever be executed the way Pinterest portrays, is sad…and a big waste of time. Go out and have a girls night, maybe you’ll meet a guy, maybe you won’t. But I can assure you; you aren’t going to find him on Pinterest.

3. Of course my hairdresser can make my hair look like that picture!

This one hits home for me. I hate my hair. Its think and long and overall a mess. Hair and beauty is my biggest go to on the P. It is full of lovely women with lovely hair. Sadly, my hairdresser cannot look at a picture and instantaneously produce a short, thin, light, layered to perfection hairstyle. I leave the salon sad, disappointed, and searching once again for my Pinterest Perfect hairstyle. ** This theory can also be applied to: “messy buns”, highlights, cuts, ponys, “easy” updos, etc.

4. I hate working out, but pinning about it will for sure motivate me


It is a grand contradiction. In order to be totally prepared for my workout, I will look up all things pertaining to working out on Pinterest. Workout clothes, high intensity work outs, cardio tips, the right kind of running shoes, how to look like I had a crazy hard work out, perfect work out songs, what to do after a work out, what to do before a work out, the list goes on and on. But how many of us actually put these things into action? Better yet, how many of us end up skipping the gym, sitting on the couch with yoga pants on and rewatching the first season of Orange is the New Black in its entirety??

5. Did you see the Quote I pinned? My theology is spot on!



6. If my fictitious home doesn’t have an invisible staircase that spits out candy, I might flip out.

Exaggeration? Yes, but not by much. As much as it pains me to say so, we simply cannot all have the Carrie Bradshaw Dream Closet. Mr. Big isn’t going to buy you a Heaven on 5th Penthouse anytime soon. Riddle me this: why does one need a chalkboard with “Laundry” written on it in the laundry room? I think the washer and dryer paired with the mound of clothes gives it away. Also, an Olympic sized infinity pool is likely impossible when you live in a small sub division on a quarter acre lot. Sorry.

7. I can’t cook, but Pinterest said it was the easiest from scratch, gluten free, vegan, organic, healthy chocolate brownies to make like ever.

I admire those that eat well. I go through my stages were I swear I am going to get super healthy. I have done paleo, I have done gluten free, and I have been vegetarian. The P has been a great outlet for research and shines like on great recipes. I can honestly say, however, that my ratio of pins of successful meals to successful meals is about 100:1, and that is being kind. Pinterest is also a plethora of delicious, tempting, and 3000-calorie desserts. I don’t care what you say, your avocado brownie has nothing on my triple chocolate cheesecake.

So…what now? I love Pinterest. And sadly, I am guilty of almost, if not all, of these offenses. It just pisses me off sometime. It is a great resource and awesome to look at while on delay at the airport or when you should be studying. Don’t, however, let a pin, or someone else’s “One Day” board, create in you a false reality. I will continue to Pin, as I’m sure you will as well. Just pin with a grain of salt.


Get Her Into the Greek

A Message for Rush Week

It is hard for me to believe that it was almost a year ago when I made the decision to go Greek. Over the course of this year, I have been faced with so many trials and tribulations and I am lucky enough to have an amazing group of sisters that are the for me, no matter what.


During my own college journey, joining a sorority has been one of the biggest blessings to my life. I have heard the advocates for Greek life, being that I am one of them. I have also, however, heard those that, let’s just say, aren’t too fond of sorority and fraternities.

Regardless of you stance on the matter, a month from now hundreds of freshman girls are going to embark on their own journey through Greek life. Recruitment is such a life changing week. It is full of some of the greatest joys I have had a Baylor. Despite these joys, the whole process can be very challenging. Recruitment was the hardest five days of my life! During that week, I never thought I would be saying this, but I would do it again in a heartbeat.

So despite your personal feelings towards rush, going Greek and sororities as a whole, please keep these beautiful young women in your prayers come January. And for each of you going through the process, remember: God has a plan, and where you end up is part of that plan. By the end of the week you may end up somewhere unexpected, somewhere you wanted all along, or find yourself drawn to an entirely different group than you initially thought. Whatever the case may be for you, I pray you have patience, grace and confidence.

Patience to get you through the days. Grace to accepts the outcome, for whatever it is. Confidence to go into this experience with a sense of urgency and calmness (a contradiction, yes I realize this). Most importantly, remember to be true to yourself. Good luck to each of you. And may the odds be ever in your favor…


And as always, much love and God bless


P.S. Sneak a Hunger Games reference into a blog post…check!

Why I’m Obsessed with Taylor Swift

Okay, so a quick disclaimer. I know, two celebrity posts in a row. Sue me, it’s my blog. Mwahh!


Real talk though, anyone who has ever rode in the car with me, read my Twitter or been in a philosophy class with me is well aware of my slight (okay, gigantic) obsession with the great Taylor Swift. From Tim McGraw to 22, I have been a die hard T Sweezy fan. Not only do I think she’s an incredibly talented and relatable song writer to women, young and old. To me,  Tay is the type of role model that more girls my age should look to.

Image (Exhibit A: I don’t think I would have been able to react with this same level of class.. What about you?)

I know, she dates a lot of guys and then writes songs about them. WHATEVER! I would do the same thing… (My next ex-boyfriend beware, just wait for that blog post). In spite of that, I feel as though unlike many other pop princesses of the day, Swift keeps her music clean, her videos age appropriate and handles herself graciously in the public eye.

Today, stars seem to be getting more attention when they go crazy and shave their head. Amanda Please? Don’t even get me started on Miley’s video… I am still wondering when Hannah Montana is going to make a comeback. Probably shouldn’t hold my breath. So, what does that have to do with Taylor? You don’t see drunken mug shots of her; I don’t even think she’s had a parking ticket. But it’s more than that. Taylor is a 23 year old women who still believes in chivalry, dignity, and being silly.

My favorite TS moment was on The View a couple of years ago. When asked about Halloween, Taylor explained that she, along with her best friend, dressed as chewbacca when all the other girls were sexy kittens. That’s what I love about her!!! She is real. She’s unique. Lastly, she loves herself and is not afraid to show her true colors. How often can you say that about yourself?

Now, I have to throw in the fact that I honestly believe Taylor and I could be best friends. During freshman year, I did so many things with my girls that remind me of Halloween with Taylor. Whether it was dub-tapping with Katie, doing rounds and dancing with Daley or wig shopping with Morgan, I was 100% myself. Being ones self is one of the most vulnerable things you can be. That is why it is so, so important to surround yourself with those people who bring out the complete you. I think Taylor would agree.

“Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together. I hope you use yours for good, because the only words you’ll regret more than the words you left unsaid are the ones you use to intentionally hurt someone.” – Taylor Swift

And I believe we can all learn a little something from her…

Much love and God bless


